01. Introview
02. Talk To Me About Erica Glabb
03. Intro/Nippy Wiffle
04. Jelly (Part II)
05. Boobtalk
06. Boobs (Nice Version)
07. Boobs (Telephone Version)
08. Go!
09. Stresstabs
10. Drinktalk
11. I Drink A lot
12. Jessica
13. Red As Satan
14. Murphy Flattens His Frustrations
15. Cowbell
16. Ingrown Mayo
17. Duke of Denim
18. Blow It Out Your Ass
19. You Fucked Up (The Crucial Squeegie Lip Version)
20. Talkthing
21. I Drink A Lot (Nice Version)
22. Hey Bullfrog
23. Smash My Head
24. (You) Piss Me Off
25. Justalking
26. Blue Hair
27. Sweetness (Parts I and II)
28. The Refrigerator That Wouldn’t Close
29. Mindfuck
30. Livetalk
31. Boognish
32. Boobs (Part III)
33. Yolk
34. Shnagenhausen
35. We Seen Ween Bean
36. Everyone’s A Lesbian
37. Yeah, Sure
38. Oik
39. Jelly (Part I)
40. Outroview
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