Returns, Refunds & Exchanges

You may return new, unopened items fulfilled by within 7 days of delivery for a refund (excluding shipping costs and a 20% restocking fee). Items should be returned in their original packaging. In order to process your return quickly and effectively, please include your order number and the reason for the return. Please Note: Any and all items being shipped to any prison or correctional facility are not refundable. No Exemptions!

When Should I Receive My Refund?

You should expect to receive your refund within 3 weeks of giving your package to the return shipper, however, in many cases you will receive a refund more quickly. This time period includes the transit time for us to receive your return from the shipper (3 to 5 business days), the time it takes us to process your return once we receive it (3 to 5 business days), and the time it takes your bank to process our refund request (3 to 5 business days). We’ll notify you via email of your refund once we’ve received and processed the returned item. Please Note: Any and all items being shipped to any prison or correctional facility are not refundable. No Exempetions!

Are There Any Items That Are Not Returnable?

Items that are not returnable include any media (CDs, Mixtapes, etc.) that has been opened or is not in original package.

Other items that are not returnable:

  • Any items that have obvious signs of use
  • Any item not returned in the condition it was received
  • Any and all items being shipped to any prison or correctional facility (No Exemptions)

If you find that an item is defective after it has been opened, we will happily exchange said item or send you a replacement of that item.

Can I Return Something After 7 Days?

Unfortunately, we cannot offer refunds after 7 days. Any items returned after 7 days are not the responsibility of

Can I Exchange An Item I Purchased for Something Else?

If you would like to exchange an item that you purchased for a different one, you may do so as long as your item has not yet been processed or shipped.

How Should I Pack My Return?

Pack the items along with the receipt.
Write our Return Shipping Address on the outside of the package.
Leave the package for your mail carrier to pick up, or take it to a post office or shipping center.

Can I Change My Order If It Hasn’t Been Shipped Yet?

If you need to change your order, please contact us to make arrangements before your order has been processed or shipped. We will do all our very best to satisfied you 100% if possible.